A Must
Read Book for Young Couples October 19, 2013
This well written book should be read by every young couple
contemplating marriage. This is the best marriage manual ever written. I would
recommend the book not only for young couples, but also for newlyweds or anyone
who wants to strengthen their marriage. I wish I had read this book many years
ago. From calamity to cash to challenges, this book covers every issue a
married couple might face. In spite of changes, couples always need to remember
that marriage is "for better or for worse". Love is patient, and true
love never gives up. Chivalry is not dead (although it seems that way many
times). It was refreshing to read that "marriage is between a man and a
woman". I especially liked the chapter on clemency, going the extra mile
and the need to get rid of clutter, both mental clutter and physical clutter.
No one just falls out of love. The author has a good understanding of women,
what makes them tick, and what they are looking for in a marriage. Many men
don't "get it". This book would be an appropriate wedding gift for
young couples.