Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Week three of Marilyn Dawson's blog tour.

Welcome to the third stop on Author Marilynn Dawson's virtual book tour for her soon-to-be-released book, “A Year in Prayer With Jesus”. Today we are interviewing Marilynn about her new book.
What difference do you see your writings making in anyone’s life? If a person picks up my writings hoping to learn from another fellow Christian regarding what God has taught them on this journey of faith, then the person will be encouraged to go deeper in their day-to-day faithwalk.
Did you write with a purpose in mind, or did you sit down and randomly write? Each book I've written to date has come about with a purpose in mind. Each book either answers a question, offers a how-to, or shares lessons learned along the journey of faith.
Why do you think your writings are worth buying and reading? We are told that life is easier when we learn from others' mistakes, learn from others' lessons, and humble ourselves to receive instruction, teaching and encouragement from those sharing the road with us. To this end, it is worth buying and reading what God has gifted me to share. Someone else out there is struggling with life after divorce and wondering if they've destroyed their future as a result. A highschooler is graduating and about to leave the comforts of home with caring parents who want one last stab at offering tidbits of advice that will continue to guide their child forward. Someone out there has a book idea but can't afford the big bucks to get it out there. Someone else is puzzled about this concept of the Bride of Christ and wants to learn more. Another person wonders how to put The Lord's Prayer into practical action as a prayer outline. I don't have all the answers, but what God has given me, I am sharing with those who will choose to read about them.
If you could unwind the clock, would you have become an author knowing what you know now? Most definitely! Knowing what I know now, I'd have been in print years ago! My only regret is that I didn't know then what I know now. Hence the creation of the e-book, "Practical Thoughts on Becoming an Author" and it's e-course by the same name for $15.
What gives your writings value for you? They put into concrete form, things that would only be in my head and potentially forgotten. Writing them down means they are there now, not just for me to revisit when the need arises, but for others as well. The value for me is that of imparting what God has given me. I am not blessed to hoard, I am blessed to bless others.
What, if any, Bible verse or passage do you point to that sums up your writings? At the moment, that would be Revelation 22:17 And the Spirit and the bride say Come. . . and whosoever will, let him take of the water of life freely.
Click this link here to get your sixth single day prayer guide outline.
Be sure to stop by Marilynn's blog ( on July 3rd for your next single day prayer guide free download. Be sure to sign up for her monthly newsletter for yet another free gift! Don't you just love FREE?
In addition to these free downloads, Marilynn is giving away a complete one-month sample of her next book via the rafflecopter app below. <a id="rc-13062c12" class="rafl" href="" rel="nofollow">a Rafflecopter giveaway</a> <script src="//"></script>

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