Monday, November 25, 2013

11/20/13 Review of C Through Marriage Stars And Thumbs Up For This Much Needed Book For Married Couples November 20, 2013

This book is so thorough on the needs of marriage. Jim Hughes' insight about marriage can benefit husbands and wives alike. His views are so balanced, not placing more accountability on men than women or women than men. It's so refreshing to find a read like this. And there are other good books out there like this. But as a wife, I find that there aren't enough marriage books that examine the hearts and needs of a woman in the...Read More

This book is so thorough on the needs of marriage. Jim Hughes' insight about marriage can benefit husbands and wives alike. His views are so balanced, not placing more accountability on men than women or women than men. It's so refreshing to find a read like this. And there are other good books out there like this. But as a wife, I find that there aren't enough marriage books that examine the hearts and needs of a woman in the same regard as they are examined for the husbands. Well, this book does that - while remaining Biblical. I appreciate this author's diligence in validating the unspoken issues that can too often plague a marriage.

This is actually formatted for private devotion as well as for couples' group devotions. The chapters, which are all very relevant and essential discussion points, takes readers through lessons of reality and encouragement. As a lengthy book, it serves as a timely read. I'd recommend it, not only as a excellent read for couples (preferably as devotion together), but also as a much needed reference. Couples who could greatly benefit, learn, mature, and especially develop self-examination through reading C Through Marriage would be those who are in troubled marriages (even in crises), engaged couples, and even happily married couples. Keep it. Shelve it. Refer back to it. And by all means, tell other couples about it.

Now, I have to go back and re-read it out loud with my husband.

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